The other day I was staring bewildered at my pantry wondering what the heck to do with a bunch of healthy stuff I’d bought years ago and never used up… I had tried eating Goji berries out of the packet and frankly did not enjoy them at all, and though I loved amaranth, I struggled to find something to use it in and never enjoyed it as a cereal (it’s so tiny I’m sure more bits got stuck to the sides of the cereal bowl than in my mouth!). As most of my recipes are, this was born out of a really awkward experimentation so measurements are mostly in handfuls as I didn’t really expect them to work out (I was so pleasantly surprised that I got addicted and got thumbs up from all my sweet-toothed friends too!!!). I will re-do these ASAP to get the right measurements for you but I’m fairly sure you can add in pretty much what ever you want as long as your consistency comes out pretty firm!
They aren’t technically Paleo, but I do have some “good” grains every now and then as I’m generally very restricted to what I can eat already but they are totally dairy, gluten and refined sugar free- all natural baby! If you’re not keen on amaranth keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming post on why you should be!
So without any further ado, here you go… (NOTE: ingredients with an * weren’t used in this recipe but would make great additions!)
-2 cups puffed amaranth
-1 cup liquid honey *or agave (if you’re like me and have grown accustomed to less refined sugar then reduce or give it a miss all together!)
-1 large handful goji berries
-1 large handful dates
-1 tablespoon Maca powder
-2 tablespoons LSA
-1 large handful craisins (cranberry raisins)
-1 large handful sunflower seeds (or any other seeds!)
-Plus for the bottom you will need Real Deal Paleo Chocolate!
*handful chia seeds
*cacao (nibs for some great crunch or powdered to blend in with other ingredients)
*chopped nuts such as almonds; cashews; macadamias; hazelnuts….. the list goes on!
1. Soak Goji berries in water for about 10-15 minutes till full
2. Blend dates until they become a thick paste
3. Add everything else in the blender except any foods you want to keep chunky (eg. berries, seeds, nut chunks). For this I blended the Goji berries (As I previously didn’t enjoy them whole) and added in the craisins just before the end so they only got roughly chopped
4. Add in anything you want kept whole and mix by hand (or you could use a non-cutting attachment for your blender)
5. Line a container with baking paper. As I wanted them quite thick I used a plastic klip-it tray, but you can use pretty much anything freezer-safe
6. Fill with the mixture and spread out to desired thickness. For thinner bars, obviously use multiple or larger containers
7. Put in the freeze to solidify a little while you whip up your Real Deal Paleo Chocolate
8. Pour the chocolate mix over and re-freeze till the chocolate sets (20 mins to up to an hour depending on how thick you want to make your chocolate base
9. Tip it out, peel off the paper and chop it up! Tada!
PS. Don’t forget to keep these babies in the freezer so they stay firm! They can last a few hours out before the chocolate completely melts so you can stash them in your gym bag but I personally love them cold straight out of the freezer for brekky! Nom!